Hi! I’m Jill Chadek, a textile artist residing in beautiful Two Rivers, WI, USA along the shores of Lake Michigan, one of our nation’s great lakes.
Coming from a background in Art and Interior Design, I have always loved fabrics as well as exploring creative mediums. One day, a satin ribbon reawakened the memory of the ribbon, that as a child, I used to sooth myself to sleep. This started my exploration of silk painting and my fascination with textiles. A few years later I was introduced to felt making, a magical process transforming wool fibers into cloth. Then, when I discovered that I could incorporate the two, working the fibers to lock into the silk fabric I was hooked!

Through time, that magical process of felt making has inspired and allowed me to express my passion for color, pattern and texture. Through this medium I “paint” using fibers, hand dyed and repurposed fabrics, unique yarns, and other embellishments to create art as attire. I love that these garments can be created seamlessly and especially love the look of astonishment when describing the process to those who have no understanding of this art form. Although I’m passionate about creating jackets and vests, I also enjoy designing hats, shawls, scarfs and bags.
Although I usually have a conscious design in mind when I start a project, my unconscious, and the fibers, influence my hands and the final outcome. It’s magical to see the colors and patterns of the wool and silk combine, many times with a result I couldn’t have dreamed of! It is my hope that the sensual pleasures that fulfill me in the creation of my garments also awakens wonderful emotions in the wearer.

But, as felt makers, you are aware of the grueling work it takes to create the alchemy of turning fibers to cloth. This resulted in my search to find a machine that could ease the physical work. I stumbled upon an engineer who designed a rolling machine, that upon my purchase of the rights became known as the E-Z Roller. I sold this machine for years until I heard of a new machine in the works in Australia.
I contacted Philip Coates, designer of The Gentle Roller, and realized that he had created a much superior machine with soft, grooved rollers to help along the felting process and with a fulling drum! Unheard of up until then. I knew that I had to have this machine and be a part of making felt makers aware of this product. Thus ending the E-Z Felter and beginning my association with The Gentle Roller, fabulous machine!
I have participated in juried art shows throughout WI, winning the WI Designer Crafts Council “Fiber Arts Award of Excellence”. My work has been highlighted in the 2018 Fiber Art Now magazine. Pieces have also been showcased in “Wearable Art” gallery shows and it was an honor to be interviewed for the International Felt-makers Association newsletter. I have recently been taking a hiatus from felting and have been exploring textile collage. But my Gentle Roller calls me from across my studio. I’m sure it won’t remain idle for long.

I am from Kenosha but have lived in Solana Beach Ca for over 55 years. Love your work. Www.raisedeyebrowsilks.com
What price range does your pieces come in?
Simply amazing work…I too am an interior designer with an art background…I fell in love with felt as well…Took a class and made a coat and just recently a wedding dress…
Are you on instagram? Do you offer any classes on textile design? I live in Delafield Wisconsin !